Halloween è il nome di una festa popolare di origine pre-cristiana ora tipicamente americana e canadese. Tuttavia le sue origini antichissime affondano nel più remoto passato delle tradizioni europee: viene fatta infatti risalire al
...bUOna mUsica, spOrt di tUtti i tipi, varietà di immagini, mOda e tantO altrO ancOra...
Halloween è il nome di una festa popolare di origine pre-cristiana ora tipicamente americana e canadese. Tuttavia le sue origini antichissime affondano nel più remoto passato delle tradizioni europee: viene fatta infatti risalire al
Yes now is time that we begin to enrich blog of good music ........
Speaking in the jargon which affront every day, after have welcomed you the first day with a welcome cocktail presenting about who we are and be set after began our trip in this adventure.
Now after delighted eyes with fashion and Edinburgh festival, after having recommended some interesting blogs, it is time that our ears enjoy the excellent music .....
The album that I decided to post today (Fra doesn’t really like) is the first of the trilogy of the best (in my opinion) Italian singer, BAGLIONI CLAUDIO!
My passion for Claudio is since I’m born .... It was born with me on the first day that I came to the world just over twenty years ago!
When I was a child in primary school spent my winter and summer holiday in a house in the mountains, that my parents rented, just to change air and not to breathethe usual heavy air of the big metropolis.
Many times, especially during the summer, my family holidays began before school ended and then went in the mountains just during the weekend.
Every Sunday evening while I was waiting for as always in the car before returning in the big city (to reinitialize another long and interminable week of school) put my father, perhaps unconsciously, the music cassette of CLAUDIO, singing "FAMMI ANDAR VIA" become later, for reasons that go to show you, my favorite song! .
She kept me company while about getting into gear home .... and mixing this song with the desire not to share, the holiday desire, the sadness of leaving mom and boredom to return to school was out that the result expressed in CRIED!
This part was just to make it clear that I have ties with many of the songs by CLAUDIO BAGLIONI and that each time that I withdraw always listening and good memories of when I was young.
But now let him .... Before the last dedicate his trilogy of albums, it is right for those who did not have ever heard, knowing only short notes on his life ....
As the title of one of the songs in the trilogy that I go to post .... 51 MONTESACRO E TUTTO COMINCIAVA ... Claudio Baglioni was born in 1951 in Rome and particularly in Centocelle district ... and in 1970 released the his first album ..... title as his own name!
After several performances, soundtracks of films, awards and the second album, released the third with the title, known to everyone the song whit the same name, PICCOLO GRANDE AMORE, which will on the top of all the charts! From that moment onwards will be classified as "sentimental singer."
13 years later, PICCOLO GRANDE AMORE, will be proclaimed by a jury "Italian Song of the Century" and so honored at the Festival of Italian Song of Sanremo!
About Claudio Baglioni we could write pages and pages of history but perhaps to summarize all his musical life, it can be said that in his nearly forty-year career, has proved a multifaceted artist, thanks to a continuously evolving musical that has joined several generations of listeners.
He has published in Italy 29 albums, is known in Spain and South America!
For me is the best ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Enjoy this first album!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Questo post lo dedico a una persona per me fondamentale nella vita: MIA NONNA!
Ora direte, cosa c’entra il titolo con la mia prima frase?? Ora vi darò la risposta. Mia nonna abita in una casa abbastanza grande con un giardino molto ampio; qui ha un orto dove coltiva di tutto: dai pomodori alle cipolle, dalle zucche ai porri, dalle verze ai cavolfiori, dai meloni al prezzemolo, e poi salvia, rosmarino, prezzemolo e chi più ne ha più ne metta! Ma l’ortaggio principale che andrò a descrivere è la carota. Come vedrete dall’immagine mia nonna ha in mano una carota del suo orto… non è da guinness?? Io personalmente non ho mai visto una carota del genere e vi posso assicurare che non usa nient’altro che acqua e sole per farle crescere! Bhe, concludendo posso dire: la nonna è sempre la nonna! Ci tengo a dire che mia nonna è una nonna un po’ particolare, io la chiamo “NONNA SPRINT” perché è molto arzilla, spiritosa, cucina troppo bene ( soprattutto la polenta con il coniglio), è intelligente e anche molto bella, insomma… è SPECIALE! Colgo l’occasione per scrivere che le voglio tanto bene e che è unica al mondo! Ti adoro tanto…dalla tua nipote Francesca!
ps: la collana è un regalo che le ha fatto mia zia per natale.
This post is dedicate to a key person for me in life: MY GRANDMOTHER!
Time will tell, what does the title with my first sentence? ? Now I will give you the answer. My grandmother lives in a big house with a garden very broad; here she cultivated a vegetable garden where everything from tomatoes to the onions, pumpkins from the leeks, cabbage with cauliflower, parsley to melons, and then sage, rosemary, parsley and who has more will put more! But the main vegetable that is going to describe is the carrot. As you will see from my grandmother has in hand a carrot from her garden… not be guinness? ? I personally, I have never seen such a carrot and I can assure you that does not use nothing but water and sun to grow them! Well, I can say in conclusion: Grandma is always the grandmother! I would like to say that my grandmother is a grandmother some particular, I call it "NONNA SPRINT" because it is very funny, spirit, kitchen too good (especially the rabbit with polenta), is intelligent and also very beautiful, short… is SPECIAL! I take this opportunity to write that I love she and is unique in the world! I adore you so much from your nephew… Francesca!
Tra le nostre varie gite e luoghi visitati fin ora, uno degli eventi che ci ha colpito maggiormente è il “tattoo edimburgh festival”. Molti di voi penseranno che è una fiera di tatuaggi, ma invece è un Festival svolto nella via principale di Edimburgo. Durante il Festival si svolgono piccoli spettacoli di artisti di strada lungo
Qui sotto vi proponiamo un video dello spettacolo che noi non siamo riusciti a vedere e altre immagini di artisti di strada.
Among our various trips and places visited to date, one of the events that struck us most is the "tattoo edimburgh festival." Many of you think that is a fair tattoos, but instead is a festival held in the main street of
Below we offer a video of the show that we are not able to see pictures and other street artists.
- il mimo -
- artista circense -
- mimo e Fra -
- rappresentazione cinese -
Our blog has just begun, the images are few and the news still scarce......
We have given a brief introduction about where we live, and what now from few time is the latest fashion.
We are concentrating on trying to create our blog interesting and talk to more people as possible......
You’ll ask yourselves, therefore, as we already have three blogs to advise all our users.....? ? ? ? Well the first Majorkka, is my fantastic cousin blog (Riky cousin) that he has just embarked on this wonderful idea to open a blog........To him our best wishes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And now ?????
How often do for those who shot the penalty kick at the last World Champions Cup (WE ITALIANS KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT IT) do a nice OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH for the other two blogs that I’m going to explain: QUATERPASS and LA MACCHINA DEL TEMPO all two of my great father (Riki's Dad).
In the first you can find everything and even something more......while in the second one only images as looks back on the past...just like a sort of time machine...
These two are open for more than a year and collect an excellent success !!!!!!!!!!! GOOD STUFF DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ogni riferimento è puramente casuale! - Each reference is unintentional!
La moda - detta anche storicamente costume - nasce solo in parte dalla necessità umana correlata alla sopravvivenza di coprirsi con tessuti, pelli o materiali lavorati per essere indossati. In realtà l'abito aveva anche precise funzioni sociali, atte a distinguere le varie classi e le mansioni sacerdotali, amministrative e militari. Le donne. che ne erano escluse, non per questo rinunciavano a vestirsi con cura estrema. Più legato alla psicologia è l'aspetto del mascheramento. Gli abiti possono servire a nascondere lati della personalità che non si vogliono far conoscere, o viceversa a mostrarli. Si pensi solo al proverbio:"l'abito non fa il monaco". Ma ora passiamo alla moda di oggi, quella che varia ogni stagione. Sembrerebbe che l’ultima moda del momento siano i pantaloni a vita ALTA. L'avevamo preannunciato l'anno scorso: la vita alta sta tornando prepotentemente sulla scena della moda.
Esiti ancora ad adottare questo stile? I vecchi modelli a vita alta hanno nuove linee che mettono in valore curve e femminilità!
Niente paura, non c'è bisogno di essere perfetta per adottare questo look. Basta sottolineare il girovita e disegnare i fianchi per mettere in risalto la propria femminilità.
Con indumenti a vita alta si avrà un portamento più elegante: infatti bisogna stare ben dritte, con la pancia in dentro, per evitare che si vedano i temuti cuscinetti!
Per quelle che hanno i fianchi poco marcati o qualche chiletto in più, dei jeans stretch molto alti in vita scolpiranno la silhouette. Non trascurare l'effetto ottico: quando la vita è alta, l'attaccatura delle gambe sembra più in su e quindi le gambe appaiono più lunghe!
Personalmente i miei capi preferiti sono delle t-shirt molto colorate e dalle fantasie più strane, dei jeans aderenti alle caviglie e delle scarpe basse come ad esempio delle ballerine o delle converse.
Bhe…fatemi sapere che ne pensate, magari da queste pagine risaliremo alla moda dei prossimi anni!
To begin I would start with the meaning of the word fashion. The term derives from the Latin modus, which means a rule, regulation, time, melody, rhythm. In centuries past, fashion was the sole prerogative classes mainly because the cost of fabrics and dyes used, which were extracted from the world mineral, animal, plant. The poor wore only clothes and roughly cut, especially with coloured dyes as inexpensive grey. These added shoes in cloth or wood. Unable to afford to buy new clothes made to measure, aimed often used on clothing. Before century, the habit was considered so valuable, which was listed among the goods testamentary.
Fashion born only in part by human needs related to the survival of cover with tissues, leather or materials to be worn. In reality the habit also had specific social functions, to distinguish the various classes and priestly duties, administrative and military. Women, who were excluded, not for this abdicated to dress with extreme care. More psychology is linked to the appearance of disguise. The gowns can be used to hide sides of personality that does not want to know, or vice versa to show. Just think of the proverb: "The dress is not the monk." But now let's fashionable today, which varies each season. It appears that the latest fashion of the moment are the trousers to life HIGH. The had announced last year: high life is returning purposefully on the fashion scene.
Results yet to adopt this style? Older models have new life high lines that bring value curves and femininity!
Do not worry, there is no need to be perfect to take this look. Just to emphasize the waist and draw the sides to highlight their femininity.
With a clothing to high life there will be bearing more elegant because we need to be very straight with her in the stomach, to prevent see feared bearings!
For those who have just marked the flanks or some kilo more, stretch jeans very high life will carve the silhouette. Do not neglect the visual effect: when life is high, the attachment seems more legs up and then the legs appear longer!
Personally, my favourite heads are very colored shirt and the more strange fantasies, jeans adherent ankles and low shoes for esample “ballerine” or converse.
Well ... let me know that you think, maybe these pages will go up again fashionable in the next few years!